The Strongest Protagonist of All Time!
Status Ongoing
Type Manhua

The Strongest Protagonist of All Time!

Alternative Titles The Strongest Actor in History, The Strongest Actor of All Time, The Strongest Protagonist in History, The Strongest Protagonist of All Time!, 史上最强男主角

Synopsis The Strongest Protagonist of All Time!

Zhao Xiaotian menderita segala macam kesulitan yang berhubungan dengan kekuatan supernatural. Setelah terjebak dalam explosion, dia terjebak dalam genre komik saat ini yaitu: “Isekai”. Namun sayangnya, para penjahat dunia masih ingin menangkapnya untuk alasan yang tidak diketahui, mungkin karena plot. Dia terus menerus dibunuh, diculik, dan uangnya dirampok. Dan sejak saat itu, Zhang Xiaotian bertahan di jalan kultivasi!

Released 2021
Author Ruo Hong Wenhua
Artist Ruo Hong Wenhua
Serialization N/A
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Keywords: read the strongest protagonist of all time!, the strongest protagonist of all time! english, the strongest protagonist of all time! eng, download the strongest protagonist of all time! eng, read the strongest protagonist of all time! online


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