From the author of [i][url=]Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san[/url][/i] comes another sweet couple’s comedy about Tanaka Ayumu, a first year high school student who is secretly in love with his senior, the president of the unofficial Shogi club, Yaotome Urushi. Tanaka vows to confess his feelings to Yaotome after he manages to defeat her in a game of shogi, but he’s a beginner at the game and Yaotome always beats him. Meanwhile, she keeps trying to get Tanaka to admit his feelings, but he rarely allows his poker face to slip. Though the day of his victory is still nowhere to be seen, this is the story in which he may ‘checkmate’ her by other means. [hr][b][u]French / Français[/u][/b] [spoiler]Ayumu n’avouera ses sentiments à sa senpai que s’il la bat dans une partie de Shougi. Bien que le jour de la victoire semble très très loin, il va essayer de gagner par bien d’autres moyens.[/spoiler] [b][u]Russian / Русский[/u][/b] [spoiler]Эта история крутится вокруг двух членов клуба сёги: девушке, которая помешана на игре, и парне, который тайно влюблен в нее.[/spoiler][hr][b]Links:[/b] [*][url=]Author’s Twitter[/url] [*][url=]Teaser PV[/url]

Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru
Alternative Titles
Even So, Ayumu Draws Closer to the Endgame, Néanmois, Ayumu approche la finale, When Will Ayumu Make His Move?, Аюму всё равно станет ближе, それでも歩は寄せてくる, 即使如此依舊步步進逼, 就算这样,“步”还是靠了过来, 그래도 아유무는 다가온다
Synopsis Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru
YAMAMOTO Souichirou
YAMAMOTO Souichirou
Shogi Senpai
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