Flag Capture in the First Move
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Flag Capture in the First Move

Alternative Titles An Ideal Response to Little Devil-Type Girls, An MC Who Recklessly Opened the Not Supposed to be Opened Osananajimi Route, Friendly Appeal MC vs Clumsy Kuudere, Honest-Considerate MC vs Shy Senior, Honest-Considerate MC vs. Club Junior, I'm Fine Even if She's a Little Bit Yandere, I Just Wanna Be Popular, I'm OK Even if She's a Yandere, It's You (Suzumoto Kou), MC That Flips Out In Conversations VS Crude Girl, Meeting an Onee-san After a Few Years vs. Honest Guy, Mou Karui Yandere de Ii kara Mote Taiwa, Omaejan, Perfect Communication Senpai vs. High-Maintenance, Talkative and Awkward Kouhai, Striking Delinquent, Strong-Pressuring MC vs. Strong-Willed Class Rep, Super-template Tsundere Girl vs MC with Anti-Tsundere Measures, お前じゃん, パーフェクトコミュニケーション先輩VS重くて饒舌で不器用に後輩, フラグを先手で折りまくる, ブチギレコミュ力主人公VSがさつ系女子, ポンコツヤンキー もう軽いヤンデレでいいからモテたい話, ルートがないはずの幼馴染ルートを勝手にこじ開ける主人公, 察しのいい敏感系主人公 VS おとなしい先輩, 察しのいい敏感系主人公 VS 部活の後輩, 小悪魔系女子への理想的な対応, 押しが強い系主人公VS気が強い委員長, 数年ぶりに会ったお姉さんVS正直者, 気さくなアピール主人公VS不器用クーデレ, 超テンプレポンコツンデレ女子VSツンデレ対策に定評のある主人公

Synopsis Flag Capture in the First Move

Ini adalah manga RTA komedi romantis di mana protagonis membaca tanda-tanda dan membuat langkah preemptive untuk membuat seorang gadis dengan masalah bahagia di setiap dunia paralel.

Released 2019
Serialization N/A
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Keywords: read flag capture in the first move, flag capture in the first move english, flag capture in the first move eng, download flag capture in the first move eng, read flag capture in the first move online


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